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Fitted bedroom furniture
In addition to sleeping, bedrooms can be a place where we go to relax and wind down after a busy day. So, it’s essential that they are uncluttered. Our fitted bedroom furniture could be exactly what you need. We also design and fit furniture for living rooms and home offices.

Bedrooms gallery

Custom-fit bedroom units, bed and mirror

Curved custom-fit bedroom units5

Wooden custom-fit bedroom units

Spacious custom bedroom

Custom-fit bedroom with globe light

Bedroom with fitted cupboards

Bedroom with wooden cupboards

Bedroom with wooden storage cupboards

Custom-made table

Bedroom with arched cupboards

Bedroom with arched wardrobes

Arched cupboards and custom dressing table

Custom bed and cupboards

Wooden units and mirrors

Custom-fit bedroom units and drawers

Custom-fit units and shelf

Overhead custom-fit bedroom units

Bed with overhead units

Bedroom with en suite

Tall wardrobes and mirrors

Dark wood bedroom units

White custom-fit bedroom units

Spacious custom bedroom with wooden units

Do you dream of a bedroom that isn’t hard work to keep tidy?
Contact Custom World in Wimborne to create your ideal bedroom storage.
01202 896816
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